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Showing posts from April, 2019

Is nurturing student wellbeing through agentic learning environments a prerequisite for ākonga to experience successful learning outcomes?

This Teacher Led Innovation Fund (TLIF) Project was an 18 month project which allowed us to explore student wellbeing when students are given the opportunity to take ownership of their environment. It was a hugely successful project and has laid the foundation for me to explore further the success students can have when they are involved in a legitimate partnership with the adults in a school environment Is nurturing student wellbeing through agentic learning environments a prerequisite for ākonga to experience successful learning outcomes?

What can we learn about community from our students?

This was my first real experience of asking a deep question and using research to explore it. It was a fantastic opportunity and one that has created a burning desire to question our why and to provide students with a platform to have their voice heard