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Showing posts from August, 2016
August 1 I have noticed recently a slight shift in the lens with which I use to look at education. And to be honest, upon reflection, there has been a quite a big shift in the last four to five years. And it’s a good thing because it shows that I don’t have a fixed mindset when it comes to how I view education and student learning. It means that I am constantly reviewing, reflecting and inquiring into my own practice and my own skill set. I think I have been able to adjust the way I deliver learning opportunities to meet the specific needs of my students. I don’t believe or pretend that I am successful for every student, but I do believe that the effort has been made to at least try. Where once my lens was all about digital devices and 1-1, I have now moved beyond this. I now see that education is about so much more than digital devices. For the students that walk into our classroom everyday, education is first and foremost about student well being. It’s about creating a space w...