I recently experienced the realisation that there was a solution to my “Wrecking Ball” approach to facilitating e-learning. It is an approach which I know is flawed, however, until recently I had come to accept it as being me. Something I could live with and more importantly, something others would have to live with. Having leadership aspirations, and striving to be the best person I can be, I have been looking for opportunities to take me closer towards my career goals. Such an opportunity occurred during a “Storyhui” where something I knew to be true was yanked to the front of my conscience. A leader and e-learning facilitator; something I aspire to be, reflected on his journey and shared a realisation that struck me rather bluntly. If I could show more tolerance, take things less personally and listen to what people’s needs were, I could become more effective at reducing people’s anxieties and more successful and providing solutions to people’s needs. Something I was experiencing...