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Showing posts from June, 2015

Reflecting on being More Tolerant, Listening More and My Journey Towards Leadership

I recently experienced the realisation that there was a solution to my “Wrecking Ball” approach to facilitating e-learning. It is an approach which I know is flawed, however, until recently I had come to accept it as being me. Something I could live with and more importantly, something others would have to live with. Having leadership aspirations, and striving to be the best person I can be, I have been looking for opportunities to take me closer towards my career goals. Such an opportunity occurred during a “Storyhui” where something I knew to be true was yanked to the front of my conscience. A leader and e-learning facilitator; something I aspire to be, reflected on his journey and shared a realisation that struck me rather bluntly. If I could show more tolerance, take things less personally and listen to what people’s needs were, I could become more effective at reducing people’s anxieties and more successful and providing solutions to people’s needs. Something I was experiencing...

Keri Facer- Learning Futures

If you are wondering what the big deal is about modern learning, 21st century learning, digital or blended learning then this video might shed some light. We recognise that the world our students are entering is vastly different to the world our traditional education system is designed to prepare our students for. We recognise that our students require a different set of skills, a different form of literacy, in order for them to be successful and productive citizens in a world that is rapidly changing. This video helps bridge the gap in our understanding of what skills our children need and how they can apply these skills in order to make a difference in the world that they will inherit from us.


After starting my journey over the last few years I have finally dedicated a space to share my thoughts, frustrations and success's. I am passionate about modern learning practices and trying to share what I have discovered.